6 ways for how to avoid the post vacation blues


Every Friday morning I record a live coffee and chat session and post it on IGTV - it’s my Friday Morning Live and it is my way of making sure I SHOW UP every single week. I share my week over a cup of coffee, chat through any new coaching insights I’ve had and recently I have been answering positive mindset and self care questions posed to me by my Instagram audience.

6 ways for how to avoid the post vacation blues

The wonderful Ana, Graphic Designer and Branding Specialist of Ana Steinberg Designs posed a questions to me a few weeks back and this week I shared my quick insight in my Friday Morning Live. I thought I would delve a little deeper into the topic at this perfect time of year with this blog post - also it’s not just for the festive season but applies to any time of year when you take a holiday.

“I would love some tips on how to ease back to work after the holidays and not getting post vacay blues”.png

So here are some key takeaways from my Friday Morning Live chat and 6 ways for how you can avoid those post vacation blues when you head back to work - whether that’s in the office or as a business owner.

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1.Have something to look forward to in January

We always try to cram in all the catch ups with family, friends, colleagues, associates in for the last quarter into December. Why not push some of those back into January? Have something to look forward to when you are trying to save money, eat or drink less or have the post vacation lull - give yourself permission to enjoy yourself  - in the northern hemisphere it’s often the worst month of the year for many so make it easier for yourself by having fun things to look forward to.

2. Set yourself small goals

I’m all for great goal setting for the year ahead, but give yourself a break when it comes to post festive season or having a holiday. Set yourself small goals not huge things to achieve in January or even in quarter one. Small, incremental goals are better than not achieving big ones. It’s one of the reasons why I don’t like New Year Resolutions so much, I feel like we make them so big that we set ourselves up to fail from day one.

3. Give yourself a break

Going straight back into full work-mode without any breaks is a recipe for a burnout. Don't let guilt force you into believing that you have to work yourself into the ground because you were away.  Before you start the fresh new week, outline and set a schedule that includes some time for mindfulness with some regular breaks. Don’t cram in lots into the first few weeks back after a holiday as it can all feel a little too much.

Downtime is key to mental health and make sure you integrate some time for self care into your life too in the coming weeks. Scheduling in lunch, exercise sessions, or walks in nature with friends are good pick-me-up methods to counter the post-holiday blues.

4. Stick to your sleep schedule

I shared this in my Self Care Survival Kit newsletter recently and it can be such a game changer. Try to stick to your usual sleep schedule from home while on vacation, if at all possible. Staying on schedule can help make the transition back to your normal life a little easier. I know it can be hard during the festive season or whilst staying at someone else’s house but it can make such a huge difference so try to stick with it

5. Ease into the daily grind gradually

When you get back home, you can be tempted to dive right back into the chores and routines that you wanted to leave behind for a week or two. Instead, make a list of the items you need to address, and which ones are important versus which ones can wait.  One of my friends talked about how she and her partner look at the weekend ahead of them and ask themselves a few questions

  • What do we NEED to do this weekend

  • What SHOULD we do but COULD wait if we don’t get time

  • What is a non-negotiable that I really want to do for myself 

I think these are some great questions for setting up the weekend or the week ahead. By reframing your tasks and being clear as to what the difference is between “needing” to do something and “wanting” to do something it can help take the stress out of the to-do list. I recommend doing more of the “wants” in the early part returning from vacation than the “needs”… A few days of gentle transition will really help.

6. Close off the old tasks

Finally I recommend, starting with old tasks that you didn't finish before you went on holiday. It’s a great way to bring you calmly back to a sense of normality. You might be tempted to jump straight into new projects, but you're going to crash and burn before lunch. By focusing on doing what you know how to do and what requires the least amount of time, so starting with those small tasks can really boost your confidence.

So there you have it, my six ways to avoid the post vacation blues when you’re jumping back into work after the festive period or taking a holiday. You can ask your questions to me by leaving a comment or send me a DM on Instagram - I’m over @rachelletham and I will reply either in a Friday Morning Live, with a bespoke post on Instagram or with an Insta live over on stories; I’d love to hear your positive mindset or self care questions.

You can catch up on all my IGTV Friday Morning Live’s over on Instagram or via my Youtube Channel

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