Unlock Your Goals with the Power of Choosing Your Word

As we step into the exciting new year of 2024, it's time to bid farewell to the traditional concept of New Year Resolutions. Instead, let's explore a more profound and impactful approach to shaping our year ahead—choosing a word that serves as an anchor, guiding us through the journey of self-discovery and growth.

The Downfall of New Year Resolutions

Year after year, we find ourselves crafting resolutions that often end up being elusive dreams. The declarations of what we won't do, whether it's refraining from wine or avoiding chocolate, tend to shroud us in negativity and set us up for potential failure.

But what if, instead of focusing on what we're restraining ourselves from, we directed our attention to what we WILL do, what we WANT to achieve, and what we NEED for an extraordinary year? This shift in perspective lays the foundation for a kick-ass awesome year, free from the constraints of resolutions.

The Resurgence of the Choose Your Word Workbook

In 2020, I introduced the Choose Your Word Workbook—a tool designed to offer focus and clarity for the year ahead. Following a successful launch, I'm thrilled to announce its return for 2024, upgraded to align with the energy of a new year and a new decade. This workbook is your guide to charting a course to where you want to be.

Embrace the New, Focus on the Positive

Let's be honest; New Year Resolutions rarely stick. They often leave us feeling restricted and constantly missing out on life's pleasures. Whether it's attempting to go sober, cut out chocolate, or hit the gym during the gloomiest month of the year, these resolutions lack the inspiration needed for long-term commitment.

This year, as we embrace the new decade and a fresh start, let's move forward with positivity and energy. Choose one word or mantra to focus on every day, and watch as you live your life in a positive light, free from the guilt of forgotten resolutions.

The Power of a Guiding Word

“Having a word to keep in mind felt like holding an abbreviated mood board or mantra,” shares Ana Steinberg, reflecting on her word for 2019. This guiding word becomes a point of focus and clarity, especially during significant decision-making times.

The concept is simple yet transformative: choose a central word or theme to guide your actions and anchor what you wish to embrace in the coming year. The Choose Your Word Workbook facilitates this process, allowing you to align with your goals in a mindful and holistic way.

Testimonials and Success Stories

Anne Worledge, reflecting on her 2019 word "Integrity," attests to the effectiveness of this approach. Her word served as an anchor, guiding her away from reactive behaviors and fostering thoughtful decision-making.

Within the workbook, I share five easy steps to carve out your word for the year, align it with your goals, and take inspired action. It's not just about focus; it's about integrating your word into your goals and lifestyle, ensuring a meaningful and fulfilling journey.

Excitement for the Year Ahead

As we step into 2024, I am filled with excitement for the words that will define the journeys of my tribe. Your one word sums up who you want to be or how you want to live for the next year. I invite you to embark on this transformative journey, and I can't wait to witness the magic that unfolds in the months ahead.

Unlock your goals, forget New Year Resolutions, and choose your word for a year of purpose, positivity, and personal growth. The journey begins now >> sign up to get your workbook here