Seven Simple Self Care Tips for You to Try Today


You no doubt encounter many self care tips on the internet - through social media in particular. It can be overwhelming to know which to try or, more importantly, which of them are right for you. 

When faced with a lot of choices, we often end up doing nothing at all. So with that in mind, I’ve put together seven of my best tips to help you build a simple self care practice that’s right for you. Which will you try today?

Tip 1: Create Your Own Retreat 

A retreat doesn't have to mean spa days and a digital detox - although both are wonderful when they happen. One of the best ways is to recreate the feeling of a spa at home by creating your own retreat. 

Whether this weekend or next, carve out some time just for you. What do you want to do with that time? Then, plan it out, and get prepared and excited about it. 

Perhaps it's taking a long soak in the bath, treating yourself to a hair mask and face mask, or possibly painting your nails. Maybe it's a long lazy lunch just for you, reading your book, or watching your favourite film with a glass of wine. Perhaps it's getting together with your favourite people, having some downtime together and spending time writing or drawing or playing your favourite board game.  

It's about what you need to help you recharge, reset, refocus, and feel renewed in your body, mind, and soul. It doesn’t matter if your retreat looks different from other people’s either - this is your time for you to spend how you wish.

Tip 2: Journaling Exercise - What Can You Do In…?

Self care doesn't have to be anything big or hugely time-consuming. It's about repeating tiny daily habits to boost your body, mind and soul. How about you write your own self care prescription? You’re then prepared to use it in the best way.

Find a nice notebook or journal and make yourself a list.

What could you do in:

  • 1 minute

  • 3 minutes

  • 5 minutes

  • 10 minutes

  • 20 minutes

  • An hour?

List all the things that would nourish you in body, mind and soul. The things that light you up and energise you or recharge and help you reset. Your list will differ entirely from your partner’s or friend’s - this is about you and your needs. 

But remember, you can fit more into that time than you think - how about some mindful breathing whilst the kettle boils, maybe reading a couple of pages of a book as you cook dinner? By being prepared and having a plan, you can make the most of your time to fit in some daily self care.

Tip 3: Let Your Mind Wander

When was the last time you had 15 minutes to yourself? It might seem a luxury, but taking time to get deep into thought can be a calming and beneficial practice. 

Spend 15 minutes letting your mind and your emotions do whatever feels natural. 

There's no pressure to meditate in a particular way or focus your attention or cultivate certain feelings. Instead, this is a time to let anything and everything come to the surface so you can observe it in a non-judgmental way - the true element of mindfulness.

Go into this personal thinking time without expectations, and let it unfold naturally. It can be a wonderful bit of "me time" and something you look forward to each week (or each day if you can manage it).

If you're new to this practice and it feels a little bit confronting, you might like to start with two minutes or five minutes of personal thinking time and then extend it if you want to.

Tip 4: Reconnect To Calm

Our breath is one of our most powerful assets, and when it comes to self care, it's completely free! 

 This tip is all about learning to breathe with your hands. This is a great way to connect with the breath without getting anxious about breathing itself. Sometimes we focus too much on the breath, so by focusing on your hand movement, you get the relaxation and benefits of good breathing whilst building a sense of calm.


Find a comfortable place to sit and rest your hands on your lap.

  • Breathe in deeply; As you breathe in - open your hands fully. Notice a little pause.

  • Breathe out fully: Make a gentle fist with your hands as you do. Notice another little pause.

  • Repeat this six times and notice how you feel.

Or try out breathing techniques or devices like moonbird to help you.

Tip 5: Create Your Own Kit

What do you need around you to stick to your positive, healthy habits and self care non-negotiables? Maybe it's a bottle of water; perhaps it’s a journal; maybe it's having herbal tea, or perhaps some fitness kit, so it's easy to get motivated.

If you only have five minutes to spare, or even if it's a luxurious hour to devote to self care, being prepared makes it much easier. Have everything you need around you so you can embrace every spare moment you have. 

Put a basket full of all the things you need for downtime in the spot where you like to relax. Perhaps that's a book, magazines you want to read, crossword book, journal, manicure set, favourite chocolate etc.

 It's easily accessible; therefore, there are no excuses, and you quickly get into a space of self care each time. 

Tip 6: Calm Begins With Me

“Calm begins with me” is a quick, effective, practical exercise and can be used in many different situations when we need to take a moment to gather our thoughts and calm our bodies and minds.

The concept is slowly repeating the phrase “calm begins with me” as you connect your mind and body through your fingertips.

As you say the word “calm”, touch your thumb with your first finger, then your thumb with your second finger as you say the word “begins”, continuing with your third finger for “with” and your fourth finger with “me”.

You move through the phrase each time you press your finger against your thumb. It’s best said out loud, but you can also practise repeating the words in your head. Try to repeat the phrase and motion five times. This allows you to slow down your pace and breath, bring down emotions, and reduce cortisol pumping around the body. 

Tip 7: One-Minute Mindful Breathing

Breath is one of our most powerful assets, so doing something as simple and relaxing as paying attention to your breathing can help you feel calmer and more mindful. You'll feel the benefits of this exercise even if you have as little as one minute to sit and breathe. 

Before you start, you must feel comfortable and be in a space where you can get into the present moment and be relaxed. So, sit comfortably, resting your hands gently on your lap and straightening your upper body. Let the souls of your feet ground themselves onto the floor. Relax your shoulders downwards from your ears and lower your chin slightly.

Allow your face to relax. Pay attention to your jaw and mouth, and release tension. Lower your gaze, or close your eyes if you would like to. Relax and bring awareness to the breath.

Breathe in slowly for three counts, pause for one and breathe out for the count of six.  Repeat this five times to get the benefit of this truly relaxing breath.

Let me know which of these tips you find helps you the most and if you need more self care tips you can sign up for my monthly newsletter Self Care Survival Kit here and get my free wellbeing reading list to help you on your way.