A positive conversation about self care

This week I joined the Talk Health Partnership Twitter Hour talking all about Self Care. It was the peak of National Self Care Week and as a Self Care Champion with Self Care Forum and a coach that loves to share positive mindset and self care strategies - this was the perfect event for me and I was honoured to be asked to be involved.

A positive conversation about self care

Talk Health Twitter Hour on November 20th, 2019 - Talk Health is an online health community that offers free support programmes, online clinics with medical experts and most importantly a place to talk about health. The team at Talk Health asked me to take part in the twitter hour and this was the first time I have done one of these, it was all very fun, even if a little hectic as I was taking part on the Twitter app on my phone, on a train on the way to a meeting.. all in a days work!!

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The Talk Health team put forward five key questions about self care to influencers, experts and the general public using the hashtag #talkselfcare and in the course of an hour we all gave our views and opinions on what self care means to us, what is so important about it and above all why it’s not a selfish act.

I thought I would share the five questions they posed to us, my answers and also feedback from others during the event to give a little feel for this great positive conversation about self care:

#talkselfcare Question 1: Why is self care so important?


I love this question… I get it a lot on social media.


We have to put our own oxygen mask on before helping others; if we don’t invest in our own self care we can’t be living our best life because over time our energy levels will be depleted across our mind body and soul

I got some great feedback about the ‘own oxygen mask first’ so I thought I would explain it a little;

It’s the good old airplane safety video analogy but makes people realise the importance of it; I’m opening my Self Care Inspiration talk tonight with a fake safety announcement to get people engaged

#talkselfcare Question 2: How do you make time for self care with work, social life and relationships?


Time.. isn’t this always what it comes down to? I have talked before in my blog posts about how we all have the same amount of time in the day; it’s about what we choose to do with it that counts.


For me it’s implementing tiny habits, building my own self care routine of small things that are easy to do, don’t take too much time but enrich my mind, body & soul. It doesn’t have to be grand gesture but I have to keep my selfcare account “topped up” so to speak.

There were some great answers coming in from a range of people in the chat; here’s Functional Health & Longevity Coach, Fran Mac’s response which I also replied to:

Fran: An early morning routine really helps to get the day off to a good start and makes self care a habit - 20 mins yoga, 5 mins meditation and 5 mins journaling helps me to stay grounded and focussed. #talkselfcare

Rachel: Yes!! I have a 10 min meditation, journaling and affirmations to start my day; it’s keep for my mental health, wellbeing and #selfcare #talkselfcare

#talkselfcare Question 3: What advice would you give someone who is suffering from burnout?


This is a great question: I’m currently working on an online course supporting female business owners to move from burnout to balance so I was keen to see the answers to this question


With my clients I look at “what makes life work” Take some time to figure out what do you need to bring back into your life or do more of that is essential for you. What small daily habits can you start practicing to help you move from burnout to balance.

There was great advice from a fellow Rachel, a blogger writing about chronic illness and disability:

Don't be scared to ask for help, you need to prioritise looking after yourself. Trying to push through is never worth it. #talkselfcare

#talkselfcare Question 4: How would you respond to those who say self care is selfish?


I get asked this question a lot and I know that a lot of people I talk to about self care want to ask this question but daren’t… I’m quite clear on this - self care is non-negotiable!!


It might seem selfish... but we spend so much of our time doing things for others - whether that’s work, looking after family, being a good friend... we have to be able to have some time for ourselves and we shouldn’t see it as selfish

#talkselfcare Question 5: Name your top three ways to practice self care


Okay so this one was tough for me. I write on a fortnightly basis the Self Care Survival Kit newsletter which contains two tips for self care and I already have 52 in my Self Care Survival Kit Deck of Cards - so calling out my top three… well it was tricky


  1. The importance of breath and taking time to breathe properly, deeply, with energy - it can do wonders

  2. Working out what works for you; if you’re not into meditation don’t do it, don’t stress, find something else.

  3. Get outside as much as possible, fresh air, natural light, time to ground with nature. It’s 100% free but can make 100% of the difference to our mindset and our wellness

Here are some ideas from others in the Twitter Hour as to how they practice self care:

Carol: Go for a daily walk in nature, eat well and sleep 8 hours. Make a routine so you can fit them all in

The Spoonie Mummy: In the first instance keep it simple - focus on your basic needs like staying hydrated and sleep. Then make time for something you enjoy like reading or meditating. Fill up your cup!

The Sleep Council:

  1. Go for a walk - not only is natural light great for many reasons but going for a walk also clears the head

  2. Make time for sleep - stop binge watching TV until 2am, working until 10pm or doing chores

  3. Do something for yourself - a long bath, a lunch out, seeing a film etc

You can read more of the #talkselfcare twitter hour by clicking the hashtag to take you through to the Twitter Feed. Find out more about my approach to self care with my Self Care Survival Kit and sign up to my twice a month newsletter here.

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