5 ways to bring self care into your life this season: Autumn/Winter


Autumn is as good a time for renewal of a routine as the New Year or Spring.  Colder weather and shorter days lead to a natural feeling of wanting to comfort ourselves.  So take advantage of this, in this blog post I am sharing some of my favourite tips from my book Self Care for the Seasons, so settle down for a read and take some time to nourish your body, mind and soul.

Whilst Autumn and Winter may seem to be not that productive in nature, it is in fact a time when trees send their roots deeper into the soil, regenerating for the spring to come. Now is the time to do the same for yourself, store your energy, replenish your soul, enjoy time for yourself so that when you are ready to embrace life with more a more energetic pathway, you can. 

Here are my top five self care tips to embrace during autumn (fall) and winter:

Light a candle

Sometimes the simplest things can add such depth to our lives. Lighting a candle is a wonderfully simple way to evoke feelings of comfort and contentment and is perfect for the longer nights.  Perhaps it’s the soft light that signals to our brain that it’s safe to calm down, perhaps it’s the connotation of sacred times and space, or maybe it’s the scent itself.

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The slow, soft flicker of the flame is gently mesmerising, and helps our body begin to relax.

Lighting a scented candle takes this relaxation one step further as it captures not only our sight but also our sense of smell, enveloping us even further in a feeling of calm. Soothing scents can include lavender, vanilla, jasmine, rose, chamomile and sandalwood.

Spend some time thinking which scents help you relax and hunker down this Autumn with a blissful candle to light up your life. 

Try something new 

With that new school term feeling at this time of year, why not embrace the moment and try bringing something new into your life. 

It could be a new hobby, an unusual food you've always wanted to try, it could be a change to your circle of friends by joining a different group or activity or it could just be a change to your route to work. 

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However, you have to be willing to embrace this change and step out of your comfort zone.  By doing this and stepping into your 'learning zone' and then ultimately the 'growth zone' you will feel empowered, you will feel that you are conquering new things, acquiring new skills, making new connections - all of which are important in our hierarchy of needs. 

We often settle for the same old routine; however having the courage to step into something new can bring so many rewards and really lift up our energy levels.

Take a walk among the new season

Nature is moving all the time; there is always something to see. According to Dutch scientific journalist Mark Mieras, there is increasing evidence that the stress-reducing effect of nature comes from 'phytoncides'; a substance that plants and trees secrete to protect themselves from insects. Taking a walk outside can help wake our immune system up (perfect for this time of year) and reduce our stress levels.

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Increase the benefits of a walk outdoors this season with my “Outdoor ABC’s” game

This is a great challenge to do on your own or with family to bring you into the present moment and add a touch of mindful awareness to your stroll.

Take some time to explore the outdoors, whether you do this alone or with family or friends. Go on a walk and don't take your phone, listen to any music or have any distractions.  It’s a great way to open up your field of vision and take this moment to step away from technology for a couple of hours and to spend some time really paying attention to the space around you.

So the aim of the game is to work your way through the alphabet. Try to spot each something to represent each letter of the alphabet as you work through it. Try not to rush ahead, if you see something for W well ahead of it's time you can't save it up - it's about seeing what is around you in the moment.

Try to keep away from the obvious - no L for Leaves or T for Trees.... it really is quite a challenging but fun, mindful game.  By doing this you are really making a conscious effort to be in the present. To survey your environment around you and open your eyes to things you may pass by on a daily basis but never notice. 

Make time for me

With shorter, darker days we often don’t want to do much that involves stepping out of the house.  This weekend embrace the feeling that it’s perfectly okay to stay indoors.  Be in charge of your time.  Do what makes you happy; whether it’s watching a movie snuggled on the sofa, playing boardgames or reading your favourite book all afternoon.  With the weather against us at this time of year, take this as permission to stay at home and stay cosy and embrace time for “me”.  

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Try to book at least one day or half day if that feels too much for yourself in each month.  Put this in your diary or schedule as “ME TIME” and be proud of it. This is about putting yourself first to boost your self care and enhance how you can be of service to others.  By planning it in your diary, you are committing to yourself and are also closing that time off to doing anything else

The ME TIME is your time, do what you want to do.  Have a lie in, read a book, go for a walk, do what you like - just no time commitments to anyone without that feeling of guilt, ENJOY!

Get Creative

Getting creative is such a good way to release emotions, clear your head (and the rest of your body) and reconnect with yourself.

Settle down with a nice drink, grab a notebook and your favourite pen to journal and breathe in and out a few times to centre yourself.

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Take a moment to really think about what you enjoy.  Perhaps it's something that you haven't been able to give much time to lately, maybe you have had to park a hobby because work or life gets in the way.

What do you enjoy? Perhaps it’s painting, knitting, flower arranging, cooking, photography?   Today I encourage you to do something creative that’s just for YOU.

By writing out your ideas in your journal or the workbook, you are externalising them and giving awareness to them.  This method helps to open up different ways for you to be creative and allow you to give time to planning out how you can bring them back into your life.

bring self care into your life this season: Autumn/Winter

A change of season, a new quarter and the close of the year, feels like the perfect opportunity to embed some new self care practices.  Autumn/Winter is the perfect time to focus on ourselves, reboot our energy levels and recharge.   Book in some time with yourself to embrace the change in seasons, find self care practices that fit in with your climate, your mood, your budget and your desires.  I encourage you to take a leaf out of nature's book.  Start battening down the hatches, recharging and nurturing so that come the turn into Spring you can burst into new life, new energy and a fresh approach with renewed energy. Cold weather and shorter days can often make you feel less energetic and perhaps a bit down and worn out. Many people experience the winter blues, a common phenomenon when the seasons change from spring, summer, and autumn into wintertime.

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You can find out more ways to bring self care into your life this season with my new book Self Care for the Seasons

Just as the earth experiences each of the four seasons, we have our own life cycle with its own seasons.

Feeling the need for more self care in your life, but don’t know where to start? Are you needing some inspiration to guide your way?

Self Care for the Seasons is THE self care book to see you through any season of life.  Featuring practical advice, heartfelt stories and tips to help you bring new self care behaviours into your life.  

Create a sustainable self care routine that works for YOU at any time of the year. 

“A wonderful and highly practical tool for developing a more mindful and nourishing life.” Rebecca Marks Founder The Wellness Society

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